I thought since its an absolutely beautiful Friday here in Cincinnati, I’d write about a lighter topic and focus today’s post on two of my favorite things – animals (and dogs in particular for this post) along with patents and patent reform. (Okay, so this post is about one of my favorite things.) Now, what […]

Its so nice to see Kos and Barr deciding to kiss and make-up and come to an agreement over the generic versions of Niaspan and Advicor. I am not taking sides in this dispute. Rather, I feel that this settlement agreement is in the best interest of the patients that need these drugs, and that […]

Well, I am now back from a rather somewhat self-imposed hiatus from the Barista blawg site. The events of the past 2 weeks in my life, ranging from my toddler having surgery to selling my house, finding a new place to live for the entire herd, and having to move in 2 weeks time, all […]

This week in Science Magazine, a team led by Dr Mary Higby Schweitzer of North Carolina State University and the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences reports finding a 68-million year old Tyrannosaurus rex fossil that appears to contain elastic soft tissues, blood vessels and cells and it’s still transparent and pliable. This goes against […]

According to CXOToday, IBM today opened 500 key innovations to the Open Source community, believed to be the largest pledge ever of patents of any kind in the world. The pledge applies to any individual, community, or company working on or using software that meets the Open Source Initiative (OSI) definition of Open Source software. […]