As reported in the Atlantic, applicants to law school are down 15.6 percent for the year. Bigger problem? The wrong students may have stopped applying. The smallest drop in applications (4.3%) was among test takers who scored below a 144. Meanwhile, applicants in the 170-174 range are down by more than 20 percent. The Law […]

More commentary on the compulsory license granted by the Indian Patent Office for Bayer’s drug Sorafenib Tosylate (Nexavar): I read your follow-up post on compulsory licensing.  In it, you state that average income in India is $8000.  I have no idea what your source is, but you are regrettably wrong.  Average gross salary in India […]

Well, I’ve certainly heard from a number of people regarding my earlier post on  the compulsory license granted by the Controller-General of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks to Natco Pharma for manufacture of Bayer’s drug Sorafenib Tosylate (Nexavar), a drug used to treat liver and kidney cancer. The gist of the complaints are that I’m […]

Well. as you know, March 14 (3/14) is the day that people around the world celebrate that ridiculously long number known as pi (), which is: 3.14159265358979323 846264338327950288 4197169399375105820 974944592307816406 28620899862803482 53421170679… And that’s just the first hundred digits! Do numbers matter?  Most think so: “Numbers are really just abstract symbols, and we have to bring […]

“I wanted to call this book A Dispeptic Introduction to Intellectual Property, but the publishers understandably said “Um, no.”  ~Dan Hunter Sometimes, a book comes along that is just so cute you have to pick it up and read it.  Such it is in “The Oxford Introductions to U.S. Law: Intellectual Property,” a little guide […]

If you have to participate in Valentine’s Day, at least make it legal when you hand the card to your significant other (hereinafter referred to as “My One True Love”). Docracy, a website of online legal documents, has posted the “Be My Valentine – Lawyer Edition.” The Valentine form allows you to fill in a […]

At the beginning of this month, AT&T rewarded some customers by giving them 1,000 free rollover minutes. While I’ll leave the debate of the dubiousness of such a reward to later, I just received a message from AT&T saying I have been upgraded and now can call any U.S. mobile phone for free: “AT&T Free […]

kar·ma/ˈkärmÉ™/ 1. The sum of a person’s actions in this and previous states of existence, viewed as deciding their fate in future existences. 2. Destiny or fate, following as effect from cause. As a part of my attempt to become a happier, calmer, and more optimistic person (i.e., the opposite of my natural personality), I’ve […]