Science magazine ran a story that researchers at MIT found that nearly 20 percent of the human genome, or 4,382 of the known 23, 688 human genes, have been patented, with over half owned by private companies and 28 percent assigned to universities. Around 63% of the patents are assigned to private firms, with one […]

Wherever you look these days, the biotech industry wants more incentives to lure startup companies to this or that state. Ohio, Michigan, Florida, Maryland, California, Wisconsin, Missouri. It seems it would be much easier to just ask which one or two states is not using one type of incentive package or another to get their […]

After just giving a talk this past week on international strategic alliances, I was struck by the recent Forbes article on the increasing number of big pharmaceutical companies increasingly forming alliances with biotech firms. It seems that almost 30% of big pharma’s revenue now comes from products licensed from smaller biotech firms. This shows the […]

There has been a flurry of news reports this year showing the heightened awareness of the biotech industry and the concomitant growth. Business Week recently published an article touting that Biotechnology has finally come of age after 30 years of biological research. Now, recent developments in gene and exotic chemical manipulation have brought a wave […]

In IPO arena, things finally seem to be percolating. First, Reliant Pharmaceuticals has filed to raise an IPO worth $300 million in a public offering. The New Jersey company holds rights to four marketed brands, and has three drugs in late-stage clinical trials. Two of its three late-stage compounds have recently received approval from the […]

The U.S. House of Representatives voted today to lift limits on embryonic stem cell research, which could speed cures for diseases. The House approved the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act by a 238-194 vote, short of the two-thirds majority (290 votes) that would be needed to override a veto by President Bush — who has […]

The annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) took place this past week in Orlando, FLA. Much of this meeting was dominated by industry giants such as Pfizer and Genentech. Although no magic bullets were revealed, the meeting does provide a forum for the smaller biotech companies to present their promising new […]

The President’s Council on Bioethics has released a report that describes potential ways around the objections that have been raised against embryonic stem cell research. Because obtaining stem cells requires the destruction of a human embryo, many researchers find performing research with these cells ethically unacceptable. Stem cells are unspecialized cells that can renew themselves […]